
October: Cybersecurity Awareness Month

As October unfolds, it’s fitting that we dedicate time to fortify our digital defences and foster a greater understanding of cybersecurity. In this article we turn our attention to a vital aspect of online safety – the risks and best practices associated with connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.

Public Wi-Fi Networks: A Web of Vulnerabilities

Public Wi-Fi networks have revolutionised our connected world, offering us the flexibility to work, browse, and communicate while on the move. However, in the same breath, they have introduced a unique set of security concerns. Let’s explore some of these concerns:

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks:

Public Wi-Fi networks are a favourite playground for cybercriminals seeking to intercept data transmissions. They exploit this environment to execute Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, potentially capturing sensitive information such as login credentials and financial data.
a Man-in-the-Middle attack occurs when a third-party places itself in the middle of a connection.

Unencrypted Connections:

Many public networks lack encryption, making your data susceptible to eavesdropping by anyone with basic hacking skills.

image with unlocked padlock and black background with red code signifying unencrypted / unsecure connection

Rogue Hotspots:

Cybercriminals can set up rogue Wi-Fi hotspots with names that sound legitimate, tricking unsuspecting users into connecting. Once connected, your device becomes vulnerable to a range of attacks.

A diagram showing how a basic rogue hotspot might appear to look like a regular hotspot, only it leaves devices open to hackers

Outdated Routers:

Public Wi-Fi networks are not always diligently maintained. Outdated routers and software may harbour known vulnerabilities, providing an open door for attackers to compromise connected devices.

photo of a router


Malicious actors may employ eavesdropping attack (Sniffing) techniques to monitor your network traffic. The information they gather can be exploited for fraudulent purposes or even sold on the dark web.

Eavesdropping (Sniffing) Attack diagram

Staying Secure on Public Wi-Fi

Despite these challenges, you don’t have to relinquish the benefits of public Wi-Fi networks. With a few precautionary measures, you can protect your online presence:

Virtual Private Network (VPN):

Invest in a reputable VPN service to encrypt your connection, making it extremely challenging for hackers to intercept your data.
VPN image with computer and symbols of VPN and secure wifi and internet connection

Sharing Disabled:

Turn off file and printer sharing, and public folder sharing to prevent unauthorised access to your device.Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings> Network & Internet > Advanced Network Settings > Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings- Network & Internet- Advanced Network Settings - Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Firewall Activation:

Ensure your device’s firewall is active to block unauthorised incoming connections.Instructions to enable firewall on Windows 11 machine
Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings- Network & Internet- Advanced Network Settings - Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Connect to Recognisable Networks:

Prioritise networks provided by trusted sources or well-established businesses, steering clear of unsecured networks with generic names.

virtual private networks for business

Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings- Network & Internet- Advanced Network Settings - Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Always use HTTPS:

Verify that websites you visit use HTTPS encryption, adding an extra layer of security to your online activities.

SSL and why it's important

Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings- Network & Internet- Advanced Network Settings - Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Keep Devices Updated:

Regularly update your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications to patch security vulnerabilities.

Image of a cloud and text says

Instructions to turn off File and Printer Sharing in Windows 11. Click Settings- Network & Internet- Advanced Network Settings - Public Network Settings and turn off File and Printer Sharing toggle

Forget the Network:

After using a public Wi-Fi network, disconnect and select the “Forget this network” option to prevent auto-reconnection.

Forget the Network

This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let’s make it a point to enhance our cybersecurity posture when using public Wi-Fi networks. The convenience they offer doesn’t have to compromise our digital security. By following these precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of public Wi-Fi without putting your cybersecurity at risk.

Vigilance, awareness, and a commitment to online safety are the strongest tools we possess in today’s interconnected world. Stay safe and connected!

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