
When was the last time you updated your website and all its components?

It’s important to keep your website and server up to date for optimal security and performance. Chances are, if you haven’t updated in the past few months, the PHP version used by your website may be unsupported.With the recent end-of-life for PHP version 7.4 in November, it’s time to take action and update both your website and its server.Read on to discover why updating all components of your WordPress website and the web server that runs it is so important.


One of the most important reasons for updating your WordPress website and webserver is to ensure the security of your website. Regular updates are released to fix vulnerabilities, prevent cyber-attacks, and reduce the risk of your website being hacked or compromised.


Regular updates will not only improve security but will also improve the performance of your website. Newer versions of WordPress and PHP are optimised to have faster load times and improved overall performance. When website components are optimised, your website will run smoother, faster, and more efficiently, providing a better user experience for your visitors.


Updating your WordPress website and web server regularly ensures that your website is compatible with the latest technologies and plugins so the website functions as it should, without any compatibility issues. If compatibility issues arise, they are able to be quickly resolved.

Improved Features

Maintaining an updated website and server will allow you access to new and improved features. Newer versions of WordPress and PHP often come with new features and enhancements that can improve the functionality and usability of your website.

Don’t let outdated technology put your website at risk.

Updating your website and its components regularly not only ensures its security but also enhances its performance. So, are you ready to take the necessary steps to keep your website secure and up-to-date? Take action now and ensure the success of your online presence.

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KeyTech Website Services. images of 4 recent websites created by Renee Bean, in-house web developer